Comments on: Sadie Hawk brings pigeon meal to the nest – May 14th, 2019 The Red-tailed Hawks of Washington Square Park, NYC... mostly Tue, 21 May 2019 00:06:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Elizabeth Tue, 21 May 2019 00:06:03 +0000 In reply to Dottie Cartwright.

The last thing Wildlife Rescue wants to do is intervene unless there is an extreme necessity. Survival of the fittest is a natural thing so I only hope no baby falls behind too far in development and size. In some circumstances the parent concentrates on the healthy babies to raise…then there should be an intervention. Bless all these babies!

By: Elizabeth Mon, 20 May 2019 23:59:36 +0000 Glad to see Sadie adjusting to her new reality and keeping the Hawk babies fed. All her motherly instincts tell her the most important thing is to raise these babies to fledge. She must be in some kind of confusion wondering about her absent mate, but I believe she will do her best to raise these young. Thank you for documenting this beautiful nest and the pals around it. Bless this nest!

By: Roger_Paw Thu, 16 May 2019 22:31:45 +0000 In reply to Carlene.

OMG I had no idea about the Pale Male nest. That’s shocking and unfortunate. I hope they are successful next season.

Your comment about Bobby was so poetic and a perfect way to describe his disappearance.

By: Carlene Thu, 16 May 2019 22:08:55 +0000 It seems Washington Square Park is not the only red-tailed hawk nest in New York to be marked with tragedy. Urban hawks has reported that the cold and wet weather may have caused the 350 Central Park West nest to be abandoned, and it has not been confirmed that the parents are still alive. And Pale Male and Octavia’s nest will not have any babies this year because the eggs did not hatch.

And at Washington Square Park Bobby has fallen into shadow and we may never learn what happened to him.

By: Dottie Cartwright Wed, 15 May 2019 21:41:49 +0000 Wonder if the Horvaths have considered removing one or two of the babies, raising them for Sadie so as to lighten her load. It’s a thought if they begin to suffer or if the toll on Sadie is too great. Sounds unthinkable though, doesn’t it?

By: Roger_Paw Wed, 15 May 2019 13:29:15 +0000 In reply to Jeanne.

It was nice to see Dover! Sadie’s doing great. I’m glad she gets her rest in between hunts. So far so good!

By: Roger_Paw Wed, 15 May 2019 13:22:41 +0000 In reply to Mimi.

Thanks, Mimi. As you can imagine, it’s been quite rough for me but I’m coming to terms with it better. *Hug*

By: Mimi Wed, 15 May 2019 11:47:48 +0000 I hope you are holding up well with the loss of Bobby. What a terrible shock for the little hawk family and also for you, their devoted chronicler.

By: Jeanne Wed, 15 May 2019 05:52:10 +0000 Still waiting and hoping for the best…Bobbie returning home w/ a tale for Sadie about his disappearance.
On the NYU hawk cam , the little brood appears to be surviving w/ Wonder Hawk Sadie in charge.

Thanks for pics of Dover, Roger_Paw…it is some semblance of continuity that lifts my heart and Dover does
it for me.

By: Roger_Paw Wed, 15 May 2019 02:41:17 +0000 In reply to Mary.

Thanks, Mary. Yeah, a friend told me about a female Hawk further uptown who had to raise three Hawk babies by herself and all did well. It’s encouraging to hear these success stories.
