Fledges – Roger_Paw https://rogerpaw.com The Red-tailed Hawks of Washington Square Park, NYC... mostly Mon, 10 Jun 2019 03:52:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 https://rogerpaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/cropped-RPicon-v9-1-32x32.png Fledges – Roger_Paw https://rogerpaw.com 32 32 Second fledgling improves, male Hawk forces third fledge – June 9th, 2019 https://rogerpaw.com/2019/06/fledgling-improves-male-forces-fledge/ https://rogerpaw.com/2019/06/fledgling-improves-male-forces-fledge/#comments Mon, 10 Jun 2019 03:04:55 +0000 https://rogerpaw.com/?p=52622 Fledgling Red-tailed Hawk balancing on thin tree branch
Yesterday's fledgling is flying great. The interloper male Hawk attacked the nest baby again and knocked it off the nest ledge, forcing its fledge.]]>
https://rogerpaw.com/2019/06/fledgling-improves-male-forces-fledge/feed/ 25
Male Hawk attacks Hawk babies, causes the second fledge – June 8th, 2019 https://rogerpaw.com/2019/06/male-hawk-attacks-babies-fledge/ https://rogerpaw.com/2019/06/male-hawk-attacks-babies-fledge/#comments Sun, 09 Jun 2019 02:31:27 +0000 https://rogerpaw.com/?p=52587 Male Hawk attacking baby on nest ledge
The newly-arrived adult male Hawk attacked Sadie's babies several times today and caused one of them to fall off the nest ledge and fly too early. ]]>
https://rogerpaw.com/2019/06/male-hawk-attacks-babies-fledge/feed/ 17
First fledge of 2019 – June 7th, 2019 https://rogerpaw.com/2019/06/first-fledge-of-2019/ https://rogerpaw.com/2019/06/first-fledge-of-2019/#comments Sat, 08 Jun 2019 03:11:17 +0000 https://rogerpaw.com/?p=52557 Sleepy fledgling on building perch
The first fledge of 2019 happened this morning. The fledgling stayed safe on rooftops. The new male Hawk reappeared and hung out with mama Sadie Hawk.]]>
https://rogerpaw.com/2019/06/first-fledge-of-2019/feed/ 18
Both Tompkins Square Park Hawk babies have fledged https://rogerpaw.com/2018/07/both-tompkins-square-park-hawk-babies-have-fledged/ https://rogerpaw.com/2018/07/both-tompkins-square-park-hawk-babies-have-fledged/#comments Thu, 19 Jul 2018 12:58:12 +0000 https://rogerpaw.com/?p=49796 https://rogerpaw.com/2018/07/both-tompkins-square-park-hawk-babies-have-fledged/feed/ 2 Third fledge for Washington Square Park – June 21st, 2018 https://rogerpaw.com/2018/06/third-fledge-for-washington-square-park-june-21st-2018/ https://rogerpaw.com/2018/06/third-fledge-for-washington-square-park-june-21st-2018/#comments Fri, 22 Jun 2018 12:47:11 +0000 https://rogerpaw.com/?p=49002 Red-tailed Hawk fledgling leaping off NYU building, Washington Square Park 2018
The third Washington Square Park Hawk fledged today and soon joined its siblings for dinner. The three then palled around together before settling in for the night.]]>
https://rogerpaw.com/2018/06/third-fledge-for-washington-square-park-june-21st-2018/feed/ 13
[Video] Second Hawk fledge for Washington Square Park – June 19th, 2018 https://rogerpaw.com/2018/06/second-hawk-fledge-for-washington-square/ https://rogerpaw.com/2018/06/second-hawk-fledge-for-washington-square/#comments Wed, 20 Jun 2018 05:11:42 +0000 https://rogerpaw.com/?p=48923 Washington Square Park NYU Red-tailed Hawk cam fledgling balancing in park tree
The second Washington Square Park Red-tailed Hawk baby fledged today! The archived footage of the fledge is included in the post. The nest Hawk got a hearty meal and the first fledgling made an appearance later in the day. ]]>
https://rogerpaw.com/2018/06/second-hawk-fledge-for-washington-square/feed/ 10
[Video] First fledge for Washington Square Park Hawks – June 16th, 2018 https://rogerpaw.com/2018/06/first-fledge-washington-square-park-hawks/ https://rogerpaw.com/2018/06/first-fledge-washington-square-park-hawks/#comments Sun, 17 Jun 2018 01:27:50 +0000 https://rogerpaw.com/?p=48835 2018 NYU Hawk cam Red-tailed Hawk baby flying out of nest for first time
The first Washington Square Park Hawk baby fledged today! Included in the post is video of the event. Congrats to the little adventurer!]]>
https://rogerpaw.com/2018/06/first-fledge-washington-square-park-hawks/feed/ 13
The Tompkins Square Park Hawk has fledged https://rogerpaw.com/2017/06/the-tompkins-square-park-hawk-has/ Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:06:00 +0000 https://rogerpaw.com/2017/06/the-tompkins-square-park-hawk-has-fledged/ Fledge Day! The world becomes a jungle gym – June 10th, 2017 https://rogerpaw.com/2017/06/fledge-day-world-becomes-jungle-gym/ Sun, 11 Jun 2017 01:26:00 +0000 https://rogerpaw.com/2017/06/fledge-day-the-world-becomes-a-jungle-gym-june-10th-2017/ Fledge! Precise whereabouts of the juvenile unknown at the moment – June 14th, 2016 https://rogerpaw.com/2016/06/fledge-precise-whereabouts-of-juvenile/ Wed, 15 Jun 2016 00:55:00 +0000 https://rogerpaw.com/2016/06/fledge-precise-whereabouts-of-the-juvenile-unknown-at-the-moment-june-14th-2016/