Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Riverside Park Red-tailed Hawk mom has died

Another tragic story of a Red-tailed Hawk death in the city. The fourth known hawk to have died (presumably from rat poison but no one knows for sure yet) in the last few weeks. Riverside Park’s long-time resident Red-tailed Hawk mother was discovered dead on Friday.

I heard the news from a fellow hawk-watcher several hours ago but I could only bring myself to write about it now.

From what I understand, Riverside Park hawk-watchers were alarmed when they noticed that the mother was sitting still in the same tree for hours, nearly all day, much of it with her eyes closed; unnatural and abnormal behavior for an otherwise healthy and active hawk. The two dear women could not have known the dire situation the mother was in for this is still new territory (for all of us) and we are still learning what signs to look for when a hawk is gravely ill. What was more disturbing was the sight of two stranger hawks circling her nest. Surely, these hawks knew something was amiss with the mother and were perhaps awaiting their chance to claim her territory.

The Daily News has published a story about her death here:

I encourage you to read the article.

Since no one knows for certain yet how the hawks died (results from the necropsies have not been received or reported), there is not yet a place to vent our frustrations or to reach out to to seek possible policy changes.

If I hear of any of the test results on any of the hawks, I will post what I’ve learned. Understandably, this makes me even more worried for the Washington Square Park hawks.

With a heavy heart,


***UPDATE*** (Saturday, 12:23PM) I just heard from a fellow hawk-watcher that the hawk’s widower has already taken up with a new mate and was mating with her at the park minutes ago. It truly is amazing how quickly new mates appear and seem to ‘take’.

Washington Square Park: Bobby took up with Rosie the day after Violet was captured for medical treatment. Central Park: Pale Male was with Zena the day after Lima died. Riverside Park: And now the Riverside Park hawk widower has taken up with a new mate one day after she died.

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