Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Washington Square Park Hawk babies’ ledge flights – May 30th, 2014

The Washington Square Park Red-tailed Hawk babies are now able to fly about ¾ of the length of the nest ledge. I saw one of the hatchlings do so during my visit to the park today.

It reminded me of when I saw Pip fly the full length of the nest ledge back on June 22nd, 2011 (the day before she fledged). That flight can be seen at the 00:27 mark in the video below:

But this spring’s babies are not quite as far along as she was in the video. For the most part the two jumped and flapped and flew in little spurts this morning.

They ran the length of the ledge more often than I have seen them do in the past so they are progressing nicely.

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