Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Dive-bombing birds and a fledgling’s window mishap – June 4th, 2012

One of the Washington Square Park Red-tailed Hawk parents was on a flag pole atop Silver Center when I arrived at the park:

One of the fledglings flew and soared toward Silver. The bird looked so big and bold, I thought it was the other parent but it turned out to be one of the fledglings!

Bobby on a high Silver Center cornice:

The fledgling was seated atop Silver:

It flew diagonally across the corner of the park and went to the nest. It seemed right at home at its old cradle.

Bobby and Rosie flew together and landed one after the other atop NYU’s Shimkin Hall. Bobby is on the left, Rosie on the right:

Rosie flew south of the park:

I found her soaring over West 3rd Street and some NYU housing:

After a few minutes she flew back over 3rd Street and landed on a Shimkin window sill:

It began to sprinkle. You can see some of the rain drops in a few of the photos below:

She flew back to the park and landed in a tree east of the park fountain:

I lost sight of her for a while.

Fledgling still at the nest ledge:

Bobby flew to a new corner on Silver Center:

I scanned the roof of the low building I suspected he landed on. I saw a Mockingbird dive-bombing something where I thought Bobby may be. I walked around the building but only just caught a glimpse of him as he flew off his perch and into another hidden spot.

I returned to the fountain area to watch the fledgling again:

I finally re-found Bobby just north of the park:

A Kestrel bumped and bombed him:

He sought refuge at the Judson Memorial Church cross:

The Kestrel did not give up. It dive-bombed him some more:

Baby in the nest (second window from the top right):



Rosie reappeared, chased by a Mockingbird:



Rosie flew from the green cross to the far eastern side of the park. The fledgling flew out of the nest and after her.

The fledgling landed on the right-hand corner of NYU’s Pless building:

The lighting changed dramatically over the course of one minute:

The fledgling dropped down to a lower perch behind the railing:

It then flew back toward Bobst Library:

It mistakenly thought it could land on one of the window sills:

It flapped and scurried and tried its best to grab hold and perch:

It eventually lost its grip:

And floated/fell to a lower yet wide window sill. It was pretty scary to watch:

I ran over and was relieved to see the little hawk appeared to be unharmed:

It even shook in a contented rustle and preened.

After a few minutes it scrunched down low in advance of its mighty spring into the air:

It landed in a park tree. Rosie flew to a tree close by and watched it:

She flew further east:

Fledgling high in its tree:

Bobby watching over Rosie and the fledgling:


It didn’t look like the fledgling was going to go anywhere any time soon. Since it was getting later, colder, and I was getting hungrier, I went home.

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