Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Third Pale Male Hawk baby just fledged – June 21st, 2012

4:02PM. Breaking news! The third Pale Male Red-tailed Hawk baby just fledged a few minutes ago, as witnessed by a Hawk-watching friend of mine reporting from the field! The moment was captured and donated to me by that same friend who wished to remain anonymous. Thank you!

The second baby had fledged some time yesterday.

The first fledgling, lovingly named Rik after long-time Central Park Hawk-watcher Rik Davis who recently passed away, is apparently doing well. That little Hawk fledged on June 15th.


Update, 7:30AM on the 22nd: I just noticed that Pale Male dot com already has new photos of the third fledgling uploaded. Link here. Enjoy!

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