Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Bobby Hawk and dive-bombers – July 22nd, 2012

I divided my Hawk-searching time between Washington Square Park (WSP), Union Square Park (USP), then Washington Square Park again today. I spent just over two hours on my ‘shift’ before I left to attend to my Sunday chores.

My first walk about around WSP bore no Red-tailed Hawk sightings. I was on my way to Union Square Park when I found out from a fellow Hawk-watching friend who had just been there that an adult Hawk was seen there.

I spent some time in USP searching all the trees and scanning the buildings but I saw no Hawks so I obviously just missed seeing the adult.

I returned to WSP and thanks to the same Hawk-watcher, was notified that a Hawk was on one of the flag poles. It turned out to be Bobby. He was being harassed and yelled at by a Mockingbird:

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Fledgling hopscotches – July 21st, 2012

I found one of the Washington Square Park fledgling Red-tailed Hawks today by following its cries as it sat high in a tree. The fledglings’ calls are not that easy to follow because they have a ventriloquist quality to them. Their voices reverberate in such a way that it sounds like they are throwing their voices. That’s how I’ve experienced it to be anyway.

I walked in the general vicinity of the crying Hawk. The first time I saw it was when it flew off its perch and from one group of trees to another:

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Pip-Squawk: WSP Hawk-related items that support NYC Audubon

A long-time fellow WSP Hawk lover opened a Cafe Press shop last year. It features our beloved Hawks. All proceeds support NYC Audubon. The woman who runs the shop is lovely and adores the Hawks very much.

I am not affiliated with the shop other than donating a photo of Pip so I am promoting it simply because it’s a great way to support NYC Audubon and collect a Hawk item or two to have in your home or office.

The link to the shop is here:

The most recent design is of Rosie feeding her two babies. It is adorable and I wanted to show it to you in case you didn’t know of the shop before now.

Per the shop home page:

“Welcome to Pip-Squawk, a store dedicated to New York City’s beloved Washington Square Park red-tailed hawks. Designs from 2011 feature Violet, Bobby and their eyass-turned-fledgling, Pip.


Rosie feeding her two babies:

Here’s the photo I donated to the shop last year:

I bought a few mugs, tees, a mouse pad, magnets, and tote bags myself over the last several months. They’re great!