Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Christmas with Bobby and Rosie – December 25th, 2012

Today is Christmas and Bobby and Rosie’s One Year Anniversary. Last night, Christmas Eve, was a bit rough for me as it was the anniversary of Violet’s rescue and all I could think about was how much I and everyone else was pulling for her even though the odds were so very much against her. The loss of her is still very sad and I know I’m not alone in that sentiment.

But time moved on and Rosie and Bobby had two beautiful kids together and are always delighting us with their presence and interactions with each other so it was wonderful, as usual, to see them today.


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Berkshires: Fitzgerald Lake Conservation Area & Beaver Pond

Today’s hiking trip was to little-known Fitzgerald Lake Conservation Area in Northampton, Massachusetts. Not even the Massachusetts State Police who I asked for more precise directions had ever heard of it (even though the street leading to the park was across the street from the station). Thankfully, his coworker knew of it and printed out a trail map for me and my friend.

Planks over wet areas of the hiking path:

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