Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Central Park Great Blue Heron, Red-tailed Hawk, Mallard kerfuffle – February 13th, 2013

The Great Blue Heron that was hanging out frequently by The Pond a few weeks ago is back.

Head tucked in to keep warm:

One of the Plaza Red-tailed Hawks was perched on The Plaza for a long while:

Tufted Titmouse:

Mallard coming in for a landing from one side of The Pond to another:

A bit of a kerfuffle between two Mallards occurred nearby:

The Mallard on the right tried to leave but the one right behind it gave chase:

The aggressor finally left the other alone:


Other Mallards relaxed and preened on a dry rock island:

Another Mallard exercising:

Other Mallards and the Wood Duck at the other side of the Pond bridge:

The Wood Duck ventured to a more secluded bank:

The Wood Duck is so scrappy, he hollered at a Mallard to leave his corner (which it did):

Hawk still on The Plaza:

The Great Blue Heron roused and preened:

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