Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

A five Hawks day – April 30th, 2013

Springtime in Central Park:

The Plaza Male was doing well, soaring and flying above Central Park’s Grand Army Plaza and perching on one of his favorite buildings.

Flying past the Solow Building:

Plaza Hotel flag:

Coming in for a landing on the Sherry-Netherland:

I re-checked my camera settings for a second, looked up, and saw that he was then gone. I looked around and waited for him to reappear but wasn’t finding him so I walked north to visit Octavia and Pale Male.

Nice bird nest along the way:

Octavia was sitting in her nest:

Pale Male appeared and sat on a building a few buildings north of her:

He flew to her after ten minutes (note the worker on the roof):

He left the nest within the span of a minute:

The trees obscured his flight path. I watched Octavia for another few minutes before catching a painfully slow downtown bus for Washington Square Park to see Bobby and Rosie. The ride took nearly an hour thanks to the heavy traffic so it’s the subway between parks from now on.

Rosie was in the nest, facing the park:

Bobby appeared after a minute. He flew from the east and flew over the park square and to a favorite building at the southwestern corner of the park:

A Falcon dive-bombed Bobby several times before he got fed up and circled above the western side of the park:

I lost Bobby.

Rosie was still in the same place at the nest:

I grabbed a snack then returned to the park to see Rosie returning to the nest about fifteen minutes after I had last seen her. I missed seeing where she took her nest break but it was nice to catch her returning to her brood:

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