Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Hunting Plaza Male, Rosie’s pigeon – April 26th, 2013

The Plaza Male was on the north-facing side of The Plaza when I first popped in at Central Park’s Grand Army Plaza:

He hopped off and landed in a Central Park tree across the street:

He rested on that perch for twenty three minutes.

A Blue Jay hollered at him and dive-bombed him several times:

Flying past The Plaza:

Past the Sherry-Netherland Hotel:

He chased after a pigeon but I couldn’t see if he caught one because of my vantage point:

I searched for him but didn’t see him until a few minutes later when I next saw him back on The Plaza:

He was back near the same section of trees as before:

He flew past The Pond and out of the park trees again:

Back on The Plaza:

He then landed on the Sherry-Netherland:


Washington Square Park.

Bobby was soaring and circling down the street as I arrived:

He was circling above the northeastern corner of the park.

He then flew far southeast.

A Downy Woodpecker at the southern side of the park was making a fine number of holes:

Rosie flying to the nest, pigeon in tow:

I waited for close to an hour for Bobby to return to the park grounds but I didn’t get to see him again.

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