Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Bobby and Rosie visiting both nest sites recently- October 8th, 2013

I had no luck seeing Rosie and Bobby when I looked for them on Thursday the 3rd, Monday the 7th, and today. But a fellow Hawk-watcher saw them doing well on Saturday and Sunday (when I was out of town).

On Sunday they were seen visiting both their Bobst Library nest and their secondary site at the NYU Shimkin Hall window ledges I’ve mentioned/photographed before. Shimkin is one building east of Bobst Library. It is diagonal from the southeast corner of Washington Square Park.

They have been bringing nesting material to various window ledges at Shimkin since July/August 2012 and so far they don’t seem to have built anything close to the fine nest at Bobst.

Photo of the Bobst Library nest I took on Monday the 7th:

Below are photos of the Shimkin sites I took today. There is nesting material visible at the second and fifth windows from the left.

Second window:

Fifth window:

Bobst from the side:

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