Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Christmas nature walk and Hawkery

I am back from visiting family for a few days in the country. I tried to publish this post on Christmas Day but my internet was spotty.

Here are snaps from a nature walk my nearest and dearest and I enjoyed on Christmas:

Secretive Black-capped Chickadee:

A White-breasted Nuthatch listening to the sound of my camera shutter clicks:

Another Chickadee:

A Red-tailed Hawk hunting from a tree at the edge of a field:

I have photos from the following couple of days I’ll probably post tomorrow.

I heard that Bobby and Rosie were doing well on the 26th so that was good news. One of the Hawks was seen on one of the favorite flag poles along the eastern side of the park and the other Hawk visited the nest.

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