Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Night Hawking with Bobby and Rosie – December 11th, 2013

I managed to arrive at Washington Square Park a few minutes before sunset today and see Rosie and Bobby for about a half hour before they went to bed.

They were seated on a building at the western side of the park:

Rosie flew over the park and to NYU’s Silver Center building a few seconds later:

Bobby followed her shortly afterward.

He is on the upper perch on the left, she below him at the flag pole railing on the right:

Rosie flew off her perch then flew to the other pole railing further north:

Bobby then flew to where she had perched earlier:


Rosie descended to the trees, came up without anything in her talons, then flew around the area before landing on one of the Bobst Library ledges near the nest:

She and Bobby then flew around some more.

In the shot below she is flying by NYU’s Kimmel Center while Bobby sits on the upper right-hand ledge:

Rosie then flew to the west side of the park, headed in the direction of their evening roost, the “Red Roost Inn”:

Bobby left his perch at Kimmel and flew to the park trees:

He flew from tree to tree, hunting. He made a couple of dives at rats on the ground but didn’t catch any before he too went to the Red Roost Inn for the night:

Rosie on the upper rung, Bobby below her:



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