Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Both WSP fledglings having a preen – June 24th, 2014

Well, it took 6 visits (over the course of 13 days) but I finally got to see both Washington Square Park fledglings at the same time today. The last time I saw them both was on June 11th.

I saw the first one on a building top on Mercer Street between Waverly Place and Washington Place:

Google Street Map-wise, he was sitting where the “Josie Woods Pub” martini glass appears on the right in this picture (the greenery of the park on the far left):

As an aside, the street name labels are off a bit in the Google Street Map grid and don’t appear exactly where they ought to.

The sight was an especially welcome one because I had been looking for the fledglings for two hours already and had just about given up my search when I spotted the bird.

I had to blame myself for the bad timing I had during the earlier part of my visit because I had arrived during what some of us call “the witching hour”, the time when the adult Hawks typically leave the park grounds and when the fledglings usually rest/nap.

I saw the second fledgling rise up to a nearby water tower 15 minutes after I spotted the first one:

The second fledgling was on the water tower by the low Waverly Pl & Mercer St intersection label (and diagonally below the first fledgling’s perch):

I had another look at my pictures after I had already published this post and noticed that the other fledgling also looks like it has a gap in its tail feathers so there was no way to definitively identify which fledgling was which at the time.

There was a construction worker moving about on the roof below the water tower but I don’t think he saw the Hawk.

His sibling, having a preen:

I watched both preen peacefully for almost half an hour.

About to get liftoff:

The wind gusts increased. The breeze gave the water tower fledgling good lift as he jumped off his perch and flew northward.

Sibling clearing his throat:

Bobby passed overhead a minute later, flying southeast:


A street-level view of the scene:

The fledgling was sitting on the roof of the corner building with the gray and black columns. One would never notice the fledgling if they were just going about their business.

I had to leave for the day but took a parting shot when I was a block south:

In other Hawk news, the first Tompkins Square Park fledge was yesterday, an event full of action and also assistance from ‘Ranger Rob’!

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