Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Latest fledgling spottings, this morning’s Hawklessness – July 27th, 2014

A fellow Hawk-watcher spotted the two fledglings a few blocks north of Washington Square Park a couple of times over the last few days.

I heard the cries of the Peregrine Falcon that’s been hanging out near my apartment building when I was leaving my apartment for the park but I was not able to get a glimpse of it.

And unfortunately I did not see any of the Red-tailed Hawks when I searched for them over the course of an hour and 15 minutes in and around Washington Square Park this morning.

The photo below shows a few of the Hawks’ regular building perches: The gray stone of NYU’s Silver Center on the left, the red stone of Bobst Library (the building which houses the Hawk nest) on the right, and one of theWashington Square Villagewater towers (between the library and the new One World Trade Center building):

Closeup of the water tower:

I was about four blocks north of the park when I got that perspective of the water tower. Now what I usually see when I look up at the structure from the sidewalk is just the wire chimney cover sticking up.

The new angle was a good reminder that there are so many ‘tuck-away’ spots the Hawks could utilize and that I could be walking right past them and not even know it.

A fellow Hawk-watcher and I heard some begging, chirping birds above our heads at one point. The sound came from a pigeon nest located behind a window-like vent grate.

Mom or dad slipping through the grate before flying across the street:

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