Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Dearth of Hawk sightings, fire escape looking sparse – September 12th, 2014

I’ve looked for the Washington Square Park Red-tailed Hawks three out of the last five days but did not see them.

A friend saw one of them outside the eastern border of the park earlier this morning so that was good news.

I took photos of the Cable Building fire escape during my search today and saw that it’s looking more sparse.

Some material that used to be on the top floor’s level is now lying on the level below:

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Bobby and Rosie at WSP and the fire escape – September 7th, 2014

Rosie and Bobby were seen first at Washington Square Park this morning by a fellow Hawk-watcher. One or the other spent a little time on the Judson Memorial Church cross, NYU’s Silver Center building, Rosie visited the Bobst Library nest, and then they both headed toward the Cable Building fire escape.

I caught up with my friend and the Hawks several minutes later. I got to see Bobby on the fire escape railing just before he took off and circled above the building:

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