Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Restful fledglings and French frigate – July 4th, 2015

The second Hawk to have fledged (F2) was flying from building to building earlier this morning. It was on one of the Silver Center windows when I arrived:

A red House Finch was hanging out nearby the whole time:

It did not appear to be disturbed at all. It was singing constantly. For years I’ve seen House Finches hang out with the adult Red-tails when they perch on Silver.

The fledgling stared at this dog passing by:

It’d cry from time to time but didn’t seem distressed. It relaxed and preened:

My other half and I began to leave the park after an hour and a half.

I saw a fledgling atop the Education Building but I can’t say whether it was F1 or F2.

A fellow Hawk-watcher checked on F2 and it had already left Silver so it might have been F2 up there.


We went to the west side (Chelsea Piers) to have a snack and walk around.

There were a lot of people visiting the Statue of Liberty on this 4th of July:

Two Navy jets passed by:

I could see an image of Felix the Cat holding a bomb on them (so perhaps they were “Tomcatters” since Felix the Cat is their emblem):

The jets flew over the city then rounded back to the Hudson a couple of times.

Coast Guard:

There were a lot of ships on the Hudson, some of them were quite fancy.

A replica of the French frigate Hermione was one of them:

It started to rain which was really unfortunate because I had to put my gear away and didn’t get to take photos of the whole procession sail by. It was an impressive sight!

I got the report later on that one of the fledglings flew into the park trees early in the afternoon. It landed briefly on a tree before flying to the Pless building where it hung out with its sibling. The fledgling’s park visit was a brief one but was understandably a little nerve-wracking for my friend because the fledgling flew maybe 5 feet off the ground at one point.

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