Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Juvenile catches a rat under Bobby’s watch – October 12th, 2015

A fellow Hawk-watcher alerted me that a juvenile Red-tailed Hawk was in Washington Square Park this morning so I rushed right over. I missed seeing it when I arrived so I looked for Bobby and Sadie. It’s migration time so it’s not surprising that Hawks are passing through the park these days.

Bobby was looking splendid in the western trees this morning:

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Hawkless but not without other park creatures – October 9th, 2015

I didn’t see any Hawks in Washington Square Park today but I did see some other lovely park inhabitants going about their day.

This squirrel was digging up a prize:

There are lots of bird migrants passing through the park now, especially Warblers.

I barely got a shot of this gorgeous Black-throated Blue Warbler:

Peanut Butter friends:

The material that I saw the last time I was in the park was still in the nest:

A bird gathering at a puddle:

The pigeons that live at a small park just south of Washington Square Park tend to rest out in the open.

I got to see a flock of them sleeping and resting in an emptied-out plant bed: