Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Afternoon Hawk-spotting (WSP & TSP) December 13th, 2015

A couple of fellow Hawk-watchers and I spent nearly three hours looking for the Washington Square Park Hawks today with no luck. The weather was exceptionally warm so we figured the Hawks had left the park early to enjoy the fine day.

It was only after I had left the park and was running errands when I happened to spot Bobby atop at water tower along Broadway between 3rd & 4th Streets:

One of my Hawking friends texted me at the same time to notify me that Sadie was on the Jefferson Market Librarytower (a few blocks northwest of the park). One of the Hawks have been seen on that tower somewhat regularly lately.

Looking north on Broadway (Chrysler Building in the distance):

I could not stay long with Bobby so I left with him still on the water tower.

I spotted Tompkins Square Park female Hawk Dora sitting on her own water tower behind the now closed Church of the Nativity (2nd Avenue between 2nd & 3rd Streets):

A Raven was seated directly across the street from her:

This little fellah had finished enjoying watching the squirrels run about on the Marble Cemetery’s lawn:

I had to leave so I didn’t see whatever adventures Dora had next.

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