Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Bobby takes a pigeon, mom beak feeds the babe – Photos from June 4th, 2016

The photos below are from yesterday’s Washington Square Park Hawk visit.

Bobby was on the park-facing side of NYU’s Silver Center Building when I arrived:

He and Sadie took to the sky half an hour later and circled near the nest. The babe watched them intently:

They perched at NYU’s Education Building together (Bobby on the flag pole):

Both Hawks darted off their perches and sped behind the building after 15 minutes.

Sadie then perched on a Silver Center flag pole.

I could watch her in a window reflection while keeping an eye on the nest at the same time:

I got tired of standing and waiting for any action so I walked toward the nest. I spotted Bobby in a tree with a fresh pigeon kill near the eastern border of the park:

He plucked the feathers for several minutes then hopped off and brought the pigeon to a building outside the park:

He hopscotched his way to a couple of different perches before taking the pigeon to the nest:


It looks like new feathers are starting to grow and fill in the big gaps in its wings:

Bobby brought the pigeon to the nest. Sadie flew into the nest seconds later.

Bobby on the right, babe in the center, Sadie on the left:

Sadie began to tear up the meal and feed the babe by beak:

Look out below!

Bobby watched over his family from Silver:

Sadie stayed in the nest and watched over the park. All was quiet so I left for the day.

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