Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Bobby works diligently, delivers food and a branch to the nest – June 3rd, 2017

I was in Hawking in Washington Square Park for 3 hours today in preparation for the upcoming fledge!

I saw Bobby and Sadie seated on One Fifth together when I arrived. A Mockingbird was on the ledge opposite them and dive-bombed them a few times:

The babe was tucked down too low on the ledge for me to see. Bobby came around an hour later and circled close to the ledge then flew right back to One Fifth:

The weather was gorgeous today and the park was full of regulars and tourists. It was quite the mellow scene and the adult Hawks settled down and rested low on their own ledge.

Preening youngster:

Bobby then landed into the nest 45 minutes later with food. It happened too fast for me to see what he was toting.

He circled in front of the nest a couple of times then flew into the tallest tree outside the nest:

He was searching for branches for the nest:

He snapped off a branch and circled the sky again:

I watched his silhouette circling above the canopy for a couple of minutes before he flew into the nest with the sprig:


The ‘issuance’ falls like a slick rope and there would be little chance of escaping it if you’re under the nest:

I left the park with Bobby still on One Fifth:

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