Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

[Updated with video] Egg for Washington Square Park Hawks – March 24th, 2018

Sadie laid her first egg of 2018 today. I had been watching the live Hawk cam and around 1:10PM it became increasingly obvious that she was in ‘labor’. I would guess the egg was delivered between 1:10-1:15.

Sadie has since been lying down in the nest as if incubating, getting up and maneuvering an object between her legs, then settling back down as though to incubate. She’s been that way ever since (it’s 2:41PM right now) so it’s safe to say she has laid an egg!

Update: 4:30PM – Bobby and Sadie have been switching egg-warming duty the last few hours and all is looking well. Here’s to hoping they have a happy and healthy brood this year!

6:30PM: Here is some footage from today’s incubating and a peek at the egg at the end as Sadie lifts new paper off of it and when she rolls it underneath her: