Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Sadie chases adult Hawk away from park – June 5th, 2019

It was an action-packed day as a stranger Hawk appeared to start making itself comfortable in Washington Square Park before being chased out.

This adult Hawk may have been the same Hawk that dared to visit the nest ledge last night while Sadie was in the nest with the babies. You can read about that account in my last post’s comments section.

I found Sadie sitting on the corner of NYU’s Silver Center building when I arrived:

Sadie Hawk sitting on NYU building

A banded pigeon’s body was lying under low trees on the east side of the park. I could only see the numbers 20 on one of its bands:

Dead banded pigeon on Washington Square Park lawn

The three Hawk babies were pretty relaxed:

Three Red-tailed Hawk babies sitting on nest ledge

A squirrel kept its eye on me for a little while:

Squirrel with a nut in its mouth looking at camera

Squirrel eating a nut on park lawn

I thought I saw a Hawk fly low along the buildings near Sadie but I couldn’t be too sure until a fellow birder came over to tell me there were now two Hawks on Silver!

Apparently Sadie had flown to this second Hawk in one of the window sills. They sat together at this window until both then flew about. Sadie returned to the building corner and the other Hawk sat above her:

Sadie and stranger Hawk sitting above her on NYU building

I thought perhaps with Sadie joining this new Hawk that perhaps this was a potential mate now that Bobby’s been gone for a month.

The new Hawk leaping off Silver.

Red-tailed Hawk leaping off NYU building

It then flew close past the nest and continued on to sit on NYU’s Kimmel building across the street:

Hawk sitting on top of NYU building

Sadie did not appear to mind this new Hawk. The Hawk relaxed and preened on top of the building for about half an hour before diving toward one of the lawns for prey:

Red-tailed Hawk diving to Washington Square Park

Red-tailed Hawk descending to prey

I did not see what it was chasing. It never touched down on the ground. It continued flying and landed in a tree:

Red-tailed Hawk flying in park near people

Red-tailed Hawk landing in Washington Square Park tree

Red-tailed Hawk sitting Washington Square tree

Peeking into a tree hole for squirrels:

Red-tailed Hawk looking into tree hole

A squirrel came rushing down the tree and chased the Hawk away:

Squirrel approaching Hawk in a tree

Squirrel chasing Hawk out of a tree

The Hawk landed in a tree across from the nest:

Red-tailed Hawk in tree, babies in nest

NYU Hawk babies sitting in nest

It settled down and preened some more:

Red-tailed Hawk preening Washington Square tree

It flew to another tree after another 20 minutes:

Red-tailed Hawk flying through park trees

It did some more tree hopping before flying out of the park and over some eastern buildings.

Sadie, who had remained on Silver, watched the Hawk then let out a number of screams and chased this Hawk.

They circled above the buildings and trees for a couple of minutes, Sadie screaming the whole time.

Red-tailed Hawks circling Washington Square Park

The Hawks then went their separate ways. Whether we’ll see this Hawk again remains to be seen but it looked like Sadie had had enough of its presence (at least for the remainder of my visit).

Meanwhile, the young Hawks were having a fine time practicing their hops and flaps between rests:

2019 NYU Hawk babies on nest ledge

Sadie did some building hop-scotching before perching on the flag pole closest to the nest.

Looking in the nest’s direction:

Sadie Hawk sitting NYU flag pole

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1 thought on “Sadie chases adult Hawk away from park – June 5th, 2019

  1. Shocked by the audacity of the squirrel to challenge a RT Hawk! Wow! Beautiful and interesting pictures, I could stare at them forever. Thank you for the magnificent photos of Sadie, wingercizing babies, and the park animal life. Makes me want to head east to NY again!

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