Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

No Hawks but Fall bird migration brings nice sights – September 22nd, 2014

Today was the third day in a week I’ve been out birding to search for the Washington Square Park Red-tailed Hawks.

I did see one of them for a few seconds on Wednesday, September 17th as it flew overhead when I was approaching the Mercer Street/Cable Building fire escape but I didn’t have my camera ready so I missed getting any shots of it which was a drag. It flew past the fire escape and down toward the park. I looked all around for it but never got to see it again. And I couldn’t tell which Hawk it was unfortunately.

It has been a week since I last saw Rosie and two weeks and a day since I’ve seen Bobby. I’ve come to find that this is a pattern with them each mid-September. I’d go over a week without seeing either of the Red-tails and then they’d show up and stick around on a more regular basis.

I got to see two fall bird migrants today which was nice. I saw a female American Redstart for a few seconds then a female Common Yellowthroat.

Female Common Yellowthroat Warbler flitting about some brush:

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Dearth of Hawk sightings, fire escape looking sparse – September 12th, 2014

I’ve looked for the Washington Square Park Red-tailed Hawks three out of the last five days but did not see them.

A friend saw one of them outside the eastern border of the park earlier this morning so that was good news.

I took photos of the Cable Building fire escape during my search today and saw that it’s looking more sparse.

Some material that used to be on the top floor’s level is now lying on the level below:

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