Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Pip and Bobby – Union Square Park – August 4, 2011

It was a fine evening of hawk-watching tonight. At first, a friend and I searched Washington Square Park for our bird friends. After having no luck, I suggested we try to find them in Union Square Park. I managed to spot Bobby atop of the ConEd building at 14th Street and Irving Place. Notice he was being harassed by a bird at the time. He was not bothered and went about his calm perching:

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Pip sightings – July 31, 2011

Fellow hawk-watchers called & texted me today to let me know Pip was being watched as she stood on NYU housing at West 3rd Street (a block South of Washington Square Park) and at West 3rd and Greene. Nice spotting, guys! I took today off to attend to things I’d been postponing because of all my Pipping during the week. 🙂