Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Pip and Bobby – July 14, 2011

A splendid day of Pip and Bobby watching on the 14th. Just before I got to the park it was reported that Pip was flying back and forth amongst the trees with gusto chasing pigeons and squirrels. I saw her sitting in a couple of trees and fly around while crying but no hunting attempts until we saw her soar into the pack of pigeons seated at the feet, shoulders, and arms of a daily pigeon feeder. It was hilarious to watch all the pigeons scatter during her fly-by.

I took some photos and video in the park until she flew south outside its borders. She didn’t return so after a long wait, I decided to head home. I was a couple of blocks from the park when I heard Pip’s cries above the street. Where there’s Pip, there’s surely to be a parent watching her from nearby and in this case it was Bobby.

Pip searching the ground for prey:

You sure you want to do this?

Pip crying above West 3rd and Sullivan:

Pip in the bell tower of Judson Church:

Pip on another perch:

Bobby on the Judson Church cross:

Busy Pip on yet another perch:

Bobby watches over her every move:

Pip lands on a nearby apartment building on West 3rd Street again:

Bobby lands nearby on the same building for a visit:

Losing daylight. Time to turn and bid Pip a good night:

Good night!

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