Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Pip Visit – July 15, 2011

Although we saw a hawk soaring above us soon after entering the park, we couldn’t tell who it was. The only hawk we did positively identify was Pip. She was not crying as much as in the last few days which was comforting but the cries she did emit were a welcome sound since it helped us spot her location several times. Pip spent a lot of time both inside and outside the park.

Toward the end of the day, we found her once again hanging out on buildings a block within the South side of the park. Evening took hold and she retreated back to the park. That was when we few Pip watchers said goodnight and went our separate ways.

One of the best vantage points of the park lately:

Pip in a distant tree. We didn’t want to rush over and follow her every movement because we wanted to keep her presence to the general park population discreet. Note the similar position of pip and the lamp post topper:

Park goers unaware of the raptor above:

After much flying around from tree to tree, Pip left the park and spent sundown atop buildings outside the park:

Pip flying from one building to another:

Pip resting on the top of Judson Church, one of Bobby’s favorite haunts:

She still enjoys sticking that leg out:

At the tail end of the evening, Pip crawled onto the base of Judson Church’s cross as if in a cradle:

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