Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Violet’s Sunday sun bath – September 18, 2011

It was a glorious day weather-wise in the city today. A high of 69 and sunny. Sitting on a bench waiting for a hawk to appear was fruitless so I meandered around Washington Square Park.

There was Violet, atop a familiar antenna perch above NYU housing near the SouthEast corner of the park. Pip and Bobby had been seen at this very same perch in the past:

I did not see the Identification Tag around her leg but with her trouble balancing and swollen right leg, it was obvious which hawk I was photographing.

Easy, little lady:

Within a few minutes, she hopped down to a lower perch and disappeared out of sight. Search as I might, I did not find her again. I took advantage of the weather to have a walk around the area.

Curious shaftway (?) doors alongside Bobst Library:

There was much dappled sunlight to enjoy:

Time to wrap it up at the park and head home.

The Lenin statue at Red Square was looking good:

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