Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Fledgling’s snack and Rosie’s and Bobby’s perches – July 3rd, 2012

A friend spotted one of the Hawk fledglings on top of NYU’s Shimkin Hall. The roof is a popular food drop for the Hawks. The fledgling was eating what looked like pigeon:

I had turned my head to see if any other Hawks were around when out of the corner of my eye I saw the fledgling fly from Shimkin to the top of Bobst Library (the building next door). A trio of us looked for the fledgling but could not find it again. I left that area to go to the west side to look for a Hawk.

A friendly couple I know from the park saw the fledgling (I believe it was the same one) as it flew from the fenced-in area of the park to a nearby tree. They kindly pointed the Hawk out to me. It was a great thing too because I don’t think I would have spotted it myself at that angle!

Wings slightly extended to cool off:

The bird looked full and spent a while relaxing and preening:

It’s still very hot in the city (it was about 88 degrees when I took these photos) and the Hawk was panting to cool down:

A squirrel that dared get no closer:

One of the adults circled over our area of the park:

Rosie soon appeared in a tree close by. She may have been the circling Hawk and came to the trees to rest.

The fledgling cried loudly upon seeing Rosie and hopped closer to her.

The fledgling then flew to the big lawn further north:

Up into a tree:

It swooped down and made a go at a squirrel who escaped easily. The fledgling then sat on the ground while the squirrel investigated:

The fledgling moved about to multiple perches.

Peeking into a squirrel hole:

The fledgling was pretty relaxed so I left the area to look for the parents. I found Bobby atop NYU’s Silver Center:

He flew to and dispersed a flock of pigeons that was sitting on a low building along the northern side of the park. I searched for Bobby but never saw him again.

I had been at the park for nearly three hours in the heat and humidity so took the chance to go home and rest.

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