Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

It was exactly one year ago today on July 4th…

…when Pip flew into the trees for the first time since her fledge on June 23rd, 2011!

Happy Fourth of July!

Photo of Pip from that day:

The post about her first visit to the trees is here:

When I look back at my older photos I feel a twinge as I wish to tweak them in order to improve their appearance. When I first started this blog I knew zero about photography. All my settings were on ‘auto’ until I learned, through this intense immersion course in Hawkery, how to take a decent photo of the Hawks using manual settings.

I never knew what an incredible science and art photography truly is and I’m so glad to be able to have this chance to be so close to these amazing creatures while I figure it all out (not that learning photography was the purpose behind this Hawk-watching of course). It was more like, ‘I had better learn what this photography business is all about if I’m to figure out how to take a good photo of the Hawks and do their beauty justice’!

Thanks to everyone who’s supported me over this last year! Your encouragement kept me going and made me realize that this hobby (OK, obsession) of following this Hawk family was a special thing and meant a lot to other people as well.

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