Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Last day in Tasmania

As promised, at long last is my account of Day 6 of my Tasmania birding tour (a trip taken in November of 2012!).

The evening of Day 5 left me at Mountain Valley Wilderness Reserve where we got to see Tasmanian Devils eat fresh meat left for them on our cabin porches.

In the morning I awoke to the sight of a wild Tasmanian Native Hen family outside:

We soon set out for morning birding.

Shining Bronze-Cuckoo:

Strong-billed Honeyeater:

Male Satin Flycatcher:

Female Satin Flycatcher:

Red-bellied Pademelon:

Baby in her pouch:

Dusky Robin:

Eastern Spinebill:

Flame Robin:

Pellet in the morning dew:

We then hit the road for long drives to various locales.

Laughing Kookaburra:

The face of the extraordinarily shy and secretive (and unfortunately endangered) Australasian Bittern:

Black Swan:

Metres (not feet) of course.

The sand dunes of Waterhouse:

At the Waterhouse Conservation Area:

Australasian Grebe:

White-fronted Chat:

What I think was a Swamp Harrier:

White-faced Heron:

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos:

We caught up with them flirting with each other in nearby trees:

Mating dance:

A brief kiss:

Lizard tracks:

Tawny-crowned Honeyeater:

Grass Trees:

A White-bellied Sea Eagle was sitting on rocks in the distance:

Pacific Gull:

Silver Gulls:

A small building across the water:

Sooty Oystercatcher:

The White-bellied Sea Eagle eventually flew toward it:

I was afraid the Oystercatcher might have been a goner:

But it bravely chased the Sea Eagle away:

A Pacific Gull and Silver Gull:

We checked into new lodgings for the evening.

It was an early morning of connecting flights and then the long haul back to New York, just in time for Thanksgiving. Tasmania Birding tour days 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

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