Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Last day in Tasmania

As promised, at long last is my account of Day 6 of my Tasmania birding tour (a trip taken in November of 2012!).

The evening of Day 5 left me at Mountain Valley Wilderness Reserve where we got to see Tasmanian Devils eat fresh meat left for them on our cabin porches.

In the morning I awoke to the sight of a wild Tasmanian Native Hen family outside:

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Passing juvenile Bald Eagle and Bobby on his own – November 29th, 2013

I visited Washington Square Park twice today in the hopes of finding Rosie but had no luck. But I did get to see Bobby the second time I visited the park.

A huge raptor appeared from the northeast, flew past One Fifth Avenue, over the park, then continued flying southwest. I could tell it was not Bobby or Rosie. A friend and I pored over the photos I took and we are pretty sure it was a juvenile Bald Eagle passing through.

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