Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Bobby and Rosie delivering food to their young – April 18th, 2014

I saw a Red-tailed Hawk on a building chimney vent at the corner of 1st Avenue and 4th Street when on my walk to Washington Square Park today. I’ve seen one of the Tompkins Square Park adults on that perch a few times before over the last few months. It is a regular perch of theirs. I would have taken a photo if it weren’t too busy and crowded on the street and if I weren’t in such a rush. Little did I know I’d see it perched there again later in the day (pic included further below).

Bobby then Rosie delivered their own pigeons to the nest today in order to feed their new hatchlings.


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Bobby and Rosie’s eggs have hatched (Updated) – April 18th, 2014

Updated April 19th. Tips have been coming in fast and furious over the last 24 hours. 🙂 I’ve now been informed that the first egg hatched on Tuesday the 15th and that the 2nd egg hatched either late on the 16th or the morning of the 17th. Basically, both eggs have hatched!

Fledging is said to usually occur 42 – 46 days after hatching but interestingly, all of Rosie and Bobby’s offspring in the past fledged at least two days later than ‘expected’.

If all goes well, the 2014 hatchlings will probably fledge the last week of May.

I updated my WSP brooding data to reflect the latest: