Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

[Updated with pics] She’s back! Dora, the Tompkins Square Park female Hawk, has been released back into her park! – February 26th, 2018

I just read on Goggla’s site that Dora has recovered from her extended rehabilitation for a wing injury and is back in Tompkins Square Park. Details and pics will be forthcoming so be sure to check back on her site when the details come in. I’ll also update this post with the update once I see it.

The male Hawk Christo has mated/attempted to mate with the new female Nora the first weekend of February so it will be fascinating to see what happens next (if Dora will drive Nora away from the park); especially if Nora is pregnant.


9:25PM Update! Here is Goggla’s post of Dora’s return to the park (including video footage).

I was curious to see how things were going in Tompkins Square Park so my better half and I arrived around 4:30PM and first found Dora in the newer nest by the northern border of the park:

Continue to the full post… “[Updated with pics] She’s back! Dora, the Tompkins Square Park female Hawk, has been released back into her park! – February 26th, 2018”

Hunting Tompkins Square Park Hawk, WSP drone – November 27th, 2015

I was walking about the Lower East Side of Manhattan this morning when I spotted one of the Tompkins Square Park Hawks hunting pigeons. I followed it as it flew around the few blocks near Katz’s Deli.

It landed on an apartment building between 1st Avenue and Avenue A:

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