Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Video of Bobby and the juvenile Red-tailed Hawk from January 16th, 2015

Here are a few seconds of footage I took of the young Red-tailed Hawk and Bobby in Washington Square Park on January 16th, 2015.

Bobby would take breaks from trying to drive the juvenile Hawk out of the park.

It is not very loud but you can hear the little Hawk chirping to Bobby in between their skirmishes.

If your internet connection allows, try to watch the video in the HD setting.

Bobby defends his turf, no sightings of the female Hawk – January 14th, 2015

A fellow Hawk-watcher spent most of the day in and around Washington Square Park in the hopes of spotting the female Red-tailed Hawk that was released in the park yesterday and to see if she was getting along with Bobby. I was in the park for two hours.

Between the two of us I think we missed maybe three hours of daylight and neither of us saw the female Red-tail. I’m not saying she wasn’t around but we weren’t fortunate to see her if she was.

We did see Bobby, a Cooper’s Hawk flying around the southern area of the park, and a Peregrine Falcon getting into three fights with Bobby over the course of my two hour visit.

Bobby was on the One Fifth Avenue building when I arrived:

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