Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

One fledgling cavorts about, the other remains at a window – June 18th, 2015

I spotted what I think was the adventurous fledgling seated atop Silver Center as I arrived at Washington Square Park this morning:

The other fledgling (F2) was still at the same window of the last few days:

The other fledgling (F1) was no longer on the roof triangle but on a railing close to the flat surface that some of us refer to as the Silver dining table because that is where past moms have fed their fledglings in past years:

Here is footage from July 2nd, 2011 of Violet feeding Pip at that same “dinner table”. Rosie would feed fledglings at the same table as well. And here is a post from June 15th, 2014 where one of Rosie and Bobby’s fledglings eat from the same table.

What it makes me wonder is if it is a coincidence that these different females are deciding on their own to use this surface to feed their young or if Bobby shows his mates this particular surface. We’ll never really know I guess!

It looked as though the two fledglings could see each other:

Sadie flew around the fledglings a few times:

F1 followed Sadie southward at one point:

A passing Cormorant surprised me by flying rather close to some of the buildings lining Broadway (a couple of blocks east). I’ve never actually seen a Cormorant on a building, only in the sky or in the water.

The Pless fledgling repeatedly tried to fly higher up on the window frame as it’s been doing the last few days but there were moments of relaxing and preening:

A fellow Hawk-watcher let me know later in the day that the fledging had relocated to the next lower ledge but they didn’t see the circumstances behind the move.

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