Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Mama Hawk’s extended nest break – May 16th, 2017

The Washington Square Park Red-tailed Hawk hatchling has been spending extended periods of time off the nest and exploring and resting on the other side of the window ledge.

The adult Hawks have been visiting and hanging out on the nest and ledge less frequently themselves but perch within eyesight of the nest.

Sparrows enjoying dirt baths on the bocce court:

They’ve been enjoying the court for so long, they have created multiple deep divots to ‘bathe’ in:

It wasn’t until an hour and a half after I arrived when I spotted Sadie on NYU’s Silver Center. She wasn’t there when I first arrived at the park:

She circled above the area outside of the nest and over the library. Unbeknownst to me at the time, a piece of fiber had settled onto my camera sensor so please forgive the semicircle at the bottom left of the two next photos:

She tucked into a steep dive and shot toward One Fifth Avenue:


I had to be somewhere so I left for the day with Sadie still on One Fifth.

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