Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Bobby flies west, Sadie has sun bath – October 29th, 2018

An Ovenbird was one of the first unique birds I saw during today’s visit to Washington Square Park. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was the same Ovenbird I saw foraging in the same area on October 22nd:

Washington Square Park Ovenbird on the ground

A birder friend of mine has doubts it’s the same bird and said these kinds of migrants don’t tend to stick around for long.

Washington Square Park Ovenbird foraging in the brush

A rose providing a burst of color:

Washington Square Park Rose facing the sun

Scaffolding right of the nest window:

Washington Square Park NYU Library undergoing renovation

I saw Bobby fly over the trees 20 minutes after I had arrived.

He darted west of the park:

Washington Square Park Hawk Bobby flying near building

A fellow Hawk-watcher and I both saw him fly further and further west from our different vantage points. I saw him fly almost as far west as 7th Avenue.

Washington Square Park Hawk Bobby flying over the city

I lost sight of Bobby after 6 minutes. I then spotted a Hawk flying super high up just north of the park 11 minutes later:

Washington Square Park Hawk Sadie flying high in the sky

I’m pretty sure this was Bobby. He floated on thermals for a few minutes before flying to One Fifth Avenue:

Washington Square Park Hawk Sadie flying to One Fifth Avenue

Washington Square Park Hawk Sadie flying to One Fifth Avenue

He had landed on the northeast corner of the building top:

Washington Square Park Hawk Bobby perched on One Fifth Avenue

I wanted to get a better look at Bobby so I walked around the block for a different angle. Bobby had left his perch in the two minutes it took to reach my destination! I have told myself in the past that ‘the best view you will have is the one you have now’ as a sort of reminder to not move if I have a Hawk in my sights. I will have to remember that for next time. 🙂

 All was not lost though because I then saw Sadie circling above the street:

Washington Square Park Hawk Sadie flying above the city

She tucked into a dive and dove toward the park.

I found her sitting on one of her favorite buildings outside the northwest corner of the park:

Washington Square Park Hawk Sadie on building perch outside the park trees

Washington Square Park Hawk Sadie preening on a building

Washington Square Park Hawk Sadie on a building facing the camera

A dramatic change of lighting once clouds passed:

Washington Square Park Hawk Sadie sitting on building

Washington Square Park Hawk Sadie preening on a building

She dove south off her perch after 20 minutes. That was it for Hawking for the day.

Construction scaffolding outside the window east of the nest:

Scaffolding next to NYU Hawk nest

Construction by NYU library Hawk nest

Washington Square Park autumn colors

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2 thoughts on “Bobby flies west, Sadie has sun bath – October 29th, 2018

  1. Your last picture, w/ the orange foliage is spectacular! You begin to look at the picture and you are drawn into
    the many layers of colors and building construction. It causes me to think areas south of the border.

    Has anyone seen the Hawks visit the nest since the scaffolding have gone up and workers are busy in their area?
    Wondering what Bobby and Sadie think of the goings on, so near their nest and presumed territory.

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