Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Rosie and Bobby at WSP & at the fire escape – August 23rd, 2014

I looked for Rosie and Bobby (and the fledglings on the off-chance they were still around) at Washington Square Park, surrounding blocks, and at the fire escape they’ve been visiting lately but did not see them yesterday.

A couple of fellow Hawk-watchers let me know they saw Rosie and Bobby perched on a building overlooking the eastern border of Washington Square Park this morning and bringing sticks to the fire escape this afternoon.

Bobby and Rosie work on the fire escape nest – August 19th, 2014

It’s still too early to tell if Rosie and Bobby are going to use the new fire escape location for next spring’s brood but their activity today was a real eyebrow raiser.

The ‘nest’ has a lot more material on it since the last time I saw it and Rosie went through great efforts to bring a new and heavy piece to it today. Bobby showed up and help fortify and build up the nest.


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