Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Bobby chases Bald Eagle away from Washington Square – November 19th, 2018

I saw Bobby Hawk chase a Bald Eagle away from the park and tussle with a juvenile Red-tailed Hawk today before resting near his mate Sadie.

It was not clear if it was the same Bald Eagle I saw fly near Bobby (and the park) three days ago. It’s a mystery as to whether this was the same Eagle or if it was a different one passing through/migrating.

I had multiple sightings of a juvenile Red-tailed Hawk but I am not sure if I saw the same juvie each time.

Bobby then rested near Sadie after all the action.


I first spotted Bobby sitting at the base of the Con Edison building (located several blocks northeast of the park):

Washington Square Park Hawk Bobby sitting on the ConEd tower

The Hawks have sat on this tower many times over the years. The building gives them a great vantage point of Union Square (where we’ve seen them hunt and perch).

Bobby sitting on the base of the ConEd tower

Bobby flew off the tower then started circling closer and closer to Washington Square Park.

Washington Square Park Hawk Bobby flying by the ConEd tower

The Washington Square pigeons flew up in a panic as Bobby got closer:

Washington Square Park pigeons flying with ConEd tower in the background

Bobby right outside the park:

Washington Square Park Hawk Bobby flying in the sky

The Bald Eagle headed right toward Bobby after a few seconds. Just like a few days before, I thought I was looking at a Turkey Vulture until I saw the Eagle’s white head and tail feathers:

Bald Eagle flying above Washington Square Park

The two birds circled near each other for 3 minutes before a second Hawk approached and joined in:

Bald Eagle and Bobby Hawk flying above Washington Square Park

Bald Eagle and Bobby Hawk flying above Washington Square Park

Bald Eagle and Bobby Hawk flying above Washington Square Park

Bald Eagle and Bobby Hawk flying above Washington Square Park

The third Hawk now in play (the eagle above, Bobby on the left below it):

Bald Eagle and two Hawks flying above Washington Square Park

Bobby and the Bald Eagle stayed close to each other while the juvenile Hawk kept to the outskirts:

Bald Eagle and two Hawks flying above Washington Square Park

The Bald Eagle dove northeast and away from the park 4 minutes after first approaching Bobby.

The juvenile Hawk then approached Bobby and started a fight with him. They made physical contact only once when one of the Hawks turned upside down to fend off the other. The action happened too fast for me to see which was the physical aggressor.

The juvenile Hawk turning its head to watch Bobby:

Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk flying above Washington Square Park

Bobby dove to and landed on the One Fifth Avenue apartment building (located just north of the park):

Washington Square Park Hawk Bobby flying to One Fifth

Juvenile Hawk heading northeast:

Young Red-tailed Hawk flying above Washington Square Park

Red-tailed Hawk flying over building

I then noticed Sadie sitting on a neighboring ledge:

Washington Square Park Hawks Bobby Sadie sitting on One Fifth

Sadie on the right, Bobby on the left:

Washington Square Park Hawks Bobby Sadie sitting on One Fifth

Bobby sat on One Fifth for 38 minutes before diving down to the buildings across the street:

Washington Square Park Hawk Bobby diving toward trees

A Hawk flew over my head a minute later. I thought it was Bobby but it was a juvenile Red-tailed Hawk!

Hawk juvenile flying over Washington Square Park

Sadie watched it fly far east:

Washington Square Park Hawk Sadie sitting on One Fifth

She eventually stretched and flew off her perch an hour after I first noticed her on the building:

Washington Square Park Hawk Sadie stretching leg on One Fifth Avenue building

Washington Square Park Hawk Sadie diving off One Fifth Avenue perch

Washington Square Park Hawk Sadie diving away from One Fifth Avenue

Her departure was perfect timing for me to leave the park myself.

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10 thoughts on “Bobby chases Bald Eagle away from Washington Square – November 19th, 2018

  1. One is grateful for your accurate eye & telling detail. Happy that our WSP hawks are safe, well-fed and together. Thanksgiving blessings on all – avians and the humans who care for them and monitor their lives for our enjoyment and delight. Much appreciated.

    1. Thank you! There were moments when I was worried for Bobby (the Eagle was so much bigger than him) but he held his own and let the Eagle know in his own way that it was not welcome. These raptors seem to have an understanding. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  2. Bobby seems to be more aggressive w/ the younger hawk, than w/ the Bald Eagle…
    Perhaps , he knew instinctually , the Eagle was “traveling through” , while the younger hawk was considered an interloper of the long held territory. The shot of the three birds in one lens was exciting …did you find it so , for you , as you sighted the skies?
    Sadie , our female , seemed content to watch ,as the territorial males defended their presumed personal space.
    Thanks for the exciting pictures,Roger_Paw. You were out in some chilly weather. It sounds as if
    Thanksgiving Day will be very chilly…stay warm .

  3. Thank you Roger_Paw for all you do. I have been following you since the days of Pip. Your photography is marvelous!

    I wish that more people could be as gracious and accepting of our differences as the birds were that day!

  4. This wonderful round of shots simply takes my breath away! Thank you again for being my eyes on our skies! (I have also followed your postings since the days of the first stories about red-tails nesting at NYU.) What a gift for New Yorkers this is.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and don’t get too cold outdoors!

    1. Thanks, Susan! I was pretty happy to have gotten some of the action. I was thinking of you guys and that I couldn’t wait to show you what was happening. 🙂

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