Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Hopscotching Hawk and nest break – March 30th, 2019

I first saw Bobby Hawk sitting on a western water tower. It was the same water tower I saw a Cooper’s Hawk sitting on February 21st. It’s a popular raptor spot!


Red-tailed Hawk on NYC water tower


Bobby Hawk on water tower

He flew to the neighboring building a minute later.


Bobby Hawk preening on building top

Bobby Hawk scratching cheek

Bobby on Washington Square building

He decided to fly off 10 minutes later:

Bobby Hawk jumping off building finial

He hopscotched to yet another building on the western side of the park:

Bobby Hawk landing on building

Bobby Hawk landing on park building

On the move again:

Bobby Hawk flying from building

He flew over the park then headed northeast out of the park:

Bobby flying over the park

Bobby flying north of Washington Square Park

Sadie was tucked low and out of sight in the nest bowl. I was content to watch some of the other park critters between Hawk action.

A Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Woodpecker was well-camouflaged on a tree:

Camouflaged yellow-bellied sapsucker woodpecker

Yellow-bellied sapsucker woodpecker

A group of pigeons foraged next to me. I thought this black and white pigeon might be the bird I’ve nicknamed Dover but it was a different beauty:

Park pigeons on Washington Square Park lawn

The black and white pigeon grabbed a peanut and the darker pigeon pecked at it. Competition for peanuts is fierce I guess.

Washington Square Park pigeons

A comparison between today’s pigeon and “Dover” (maybe they’re kin!):

Pigeon comparison

Pecking at a new peanut:

Park pigeon eating peanut

All was nice and busy with the pigeons, squirrels, and woodpeckers when all of a sudden Sadie flew out of the nest and went northeast:

Sadie Hawk flying over trees

She returned to the nest 3 minutes later. I was first alerted to her return by birds screeching out a warning cry, the park going quiet, and Sadie’s shadow flying overhead.

Sadie about to land in Hawk nest

Sadie about to land in Hawk nest

Sadie landing on Hawk nest

It was a great way to wrap up my visit.

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2 thoughts on “Hopscotching Hawk and nest break – March 30th, 2019

  1. How well camouflaged the sapsucker is against the bark of the tree.
    Initially, I could not see the bird at all and then as in a maze…there she/he is …of course
    Nature is so fantastic in protecting the animal/fowl inhabitants.Thanks for the peek into the nature world, Roger_Paw
    So happy to see Dover has a family nearby…and of course our hawks seem well w/ family on the way.

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