Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Day 3: Tasmania birding tour: Orielton Lagoon, Cradle Mountain

Day 3. Waking up in Hobart with a rainbow out the window:

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Inwood Hill Park birding – April 21st, 2012

Inwood Hill Park is a beautiful 196 acre park at the northern tip of Manhattan. I visited it for the first time on Saturday. It only took about 40 minutes to reach by subway from my area of the city.

One of its resident Red-tailed Hawks soared the sky ahead of me as soon as I reached the area:

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Valentine’s Day with Central Park hawk pair – February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine’s Day.

I visited The Plaza area of Central Park (better known as Grand Army Plaza) today in the hopes of seeing the red-tailed hawk pair that frequents it. I’ve been told that the hawks may be hawks nicknamed Pale Male Jr. and his mate Charlotte.

I’ve seen the hawks in the same large area of the park nearly every time I’ve visited the park. Today was no different.

You can see one of the hawks two windows to the right of the yellow banner (between the first two green-bordered windows):

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