Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Peregrine Falcon seen from my kitchen window – July 24th, 2014

I was not able to bird in Washington Square Park to look for the resident Red-tailed Hawks today but the sight of a Peregrine Falcon from my kitchen window (in lower Manhattan) this morning nicely made up for it.

The bird stayed on its perch for an hour and fifteen minutes. At one point I pulled a folding chair into my kitchen so I could watch more comfortably. You can’t get much better than that!

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Nature photos from my trip

Although it would have been nice to have seen the Golden-handed Tamarin I showed in my last post in its natural habitat of South America, I truly got a kick out of seeing it and other amazing creatures while at the Dallas World Aquarium last week.

It’s not only an aquarium but a combination of several open aviaries, rain forests, and tanks. I have mixed emotions when it comes to zoos and such but have to say the DWA is a remarkably well-maintained facility and the animals and birds appeared to be healthy and happy.

I do not use flash when I take nature photos and didn’t even think to ask the staff if I could. In hindsight I think it would have been OK to do so (and the quality of my photos would probably have been a lot better if I had used flash since we were indoors) but overall I’m pretty happy with how my pics turned out and hope you get a feel of how extraordinary the creatures were.

Matschie’s Tree Kangaroo:

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