Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

[Video] First egg hatch for 2019 – April 22nd, 2019

The first Red-tailed Hawk egg hatch happened around 8:30AM today.

I first saw the hatchling starting to emerge around 8:13AM.

This footage is of the recording I made of the hatching while watching the live nest cam.

In this video you first see the mother Sadie tend to the hatchling and then the father Bobby come visit the nest and have a look at the baby.

If all goes well the other eggs should hatch over the next week.

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8 thoughts on “[Video] First egg hatch for 2019 – April 22nd, 2019

  1. Congratulations to Bobby and Sadie…and all her people Family.
    Another exciting year.
    As I remember, wasn’t the first egg hatched on Easter, last year?

  2. The joy of new life never ceases to amaze! Great footage of the moment. Never saw either parent eat what was left of egg yolk before; but logical that its prime nourishment for them, especially Sadie. Will she also eat the egg shell for calcium replacement? And will someone please remove that icky piece of cardboard!?
    Thanks – always – for superb insights, camera work and devotion to our very own RTHs. Susan

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