Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Hawk love tussle? October 23rd, 2015

I watched as Bobby soared and circled with another adult Red-tailed Hawk above Washington Square Park today.

I am pretty sure the other Hawk was Sadie but I did not get a good enough look at the Hawk’s markings to know for sure.

Circling by NYU’s Silver Center:

They had a close fly-by before Bobby moved on toward One Fifth Avenue:

Was the Hawks’ behavior a love tussle or a real fight between Bobby and another Hawk? I’ve seen Bobby and Rosie behave similarly in the past so I was not too concerned about today’s display.

Both Hawks disappeared so I headed out of the park for the day.

The President’s office is undergoing a renovation, perhaps in advance of the arrival of new President Andrew Hamilton, whose tenure begins in January.

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