I saw a Red-tailed Hawk on the base of the Con Ed tower way in the distance from Washington Square Park:
That Hawk was not there only a few seconds beforehand. It took me several minutes to get closer to the building. By the time I reached a better view, a Hawk was now on the lower right-hand side of the tower:
It sat, preened, and relaxed. I could not tell which Hawk it was but I assume it was one of the Washington Square Park Hawks since that building has been a regular perch of theirs for years.
Part of Grace Church in the foreground:
The Hawk dove down 20 minutes after I first spotted it on the building. A second Hawk then dove down after it 30 seconds later. I headed to where I thought they might have landed but never saw them again.
I searched all around Union Square Park (the nearest park to the Con Ed tower) but did not see them perched in or near that park either. The Hawks are so good at being invisible and mysterious. But I was glad to see two Hawks today regardless.
Thanks for the update!
You are most welcome!
Keep on, dear Rogerpaw! You’re our eyes on the sky! ♡♡
Nice! Thanks, Mindy!