Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Pip, 7 hours after fledge – June 23, 2011

I and a few others had the great fortune of seeing Pip all safe and sound seven hours after her first flight from her nest.

Bobby and Violet were seen nearby so they are looking after her as the excellent parents they are.

Pip is expected to stay around Washington Square Park for the next couple of months until she is urged to find her own territory elsewhere. Here’s to Pip and her successful fledge off the nest!

In answer to the question of where she was located in this video, I won’t specify. I feel it’s more important to show people that she is safe and comfortable rather than post her precise coordinates. Safety first for our little Pip, just starting out on her own. 🙂

BREAKING: Pip has fledged!!!

I hope the jpg you see at the bottom posts ok.. it is of a screen grab from the moment when I let others in the web cam chat room know that Pip had fledged! A fellow Hawk-watcher called me at 11:55 with the news that she had JUST seen Pip fly from the ledge and to a building nearby. She soared and landed perfectly!!! I will be down at the park after work to try to find her and photograph/video her. I called Andy from the Times (City Room blogger).

Here is his City Room blog breaking post:

Here is the footage of the flight! 21 seconds in.

Continue to the full post… “BREAKING: Pip has fledged!!!”

Pip hopping & flapping in the rain – June 22 2011

Footage I took of Pip the red-tailed hawk enjoying a rain shower. Please forgive the shaking of the footage; I was holding an umbrella in one hand while holding my camera in the other (during a downpour!). 🙂

At first I was only taking photos of her dancing in the rain but soon started filming once I saw she would be at it for a while.

After Pip got her kicks hopping/flying about on the ledge, she settled down for a preen just in time for the rain to let up and the sun to come out again. She got a nice bath, that’s for sure.

Note that at the 28 second mark, she flies the entire distance from the far end of the ledge to the nest.

**Update: I’m happy to report that my video made it on the New York Times’ City Room Blog which is following Pip’s progress: