Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Bobby’s solo evening rounds – September 16, 2011

I first spotted Bobby circling toward Washington Square Park from the Union Square Park direction. He dropped out of sight for several seconds until I noticed him perched on the roof railing of Silver Center, one of the NYU buildings along the Eastern side of Washington Square Park.

Photographing him was difficult since our distance apart was great:

He soon flew in my direction:

Then behind me and landed on the cross atop Judson Memorial Church at the South side of the park:

He was almost immediately set upon by a peregrine falcon:

Why, hello!

Tired of harassment, he set off again:

He flew behind One Fifth Avenue and out of sight for the rest of the evening:

The sight of shiny FDNY meters on a passing truck was just enough to cheer me up over Bobby’s departure this evening:

It seems Bobby (and maybe Violet as well) has a night-time roost just north of Washington Square Park and West of Union Square Park. When we would watch the hawks from Union Square Park in early August, they would often head to an area West of that park once it got dark. This is the third night in the last week that Bobby has left Washington Square Park and flown North to the area West of Union Square Park to seemingly settle in for the night.

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