Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Bobby and Violet in Nest and Roost today – December 16, 2011

You read that correctly; Bobby and Violet were seen in the nest today! Here’s the report from hawk-watcher:I just got back from the park. At 4:00 I saw Bobby and Violet flying around by the church. Bobby landed by the cross and Violet went to the nest. Within a minute, Bobby joined her.“Then they both flew to the west side of the park on two separate trees.“Violet is on the left and Bobby high up on the right tree. Then Bobby flew to the roost where they sleep and Violet followed about 7 minutes later. By this time it was pretty dark but you can see them on their separate perches.”

Bobby is on the top rung, Violet on the lower one:

Thank you JumpFlapper for your reports and for my other (anonymous) friend’s illustrative photos!

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